Farrier Review: Glushu for hoof reconstruction with whiteline disease.
Thank you to the expert Farriers at Rocking Speer Ranch for sharing this great report of their client who is using Glushu glue on horse...
Farrier Video: Glushu glue on horse shoes for white line disease.
Big thanks to expert farrier Titus Moss from Moss Farrier Service & Cattle Catching for sharing this fantastic video of using Glushu glue...
Owner Review: Glushu for Whiteline.
Thanks to Simon Millar from Redwings Horse Sanctuary for updating us on Pariyans Glushu story. We are so happy to see this former race...
Farrier review: Laminitis & Whiteline.
Thanks to Oswald Farrier Service for this great review of Glushu glue on horse shoes. If you are in the USA and are looking for Glushu...
Farrier Photo Diary: Horse with whiteline.
Delighted to be sharing the great the work of expert farrier and US Glushu representative Roy Verocay detailing the treatment of a horse...
Glushu: White Line & Abscess case.
Fantastic results for this remedial case of a horse suffering from white line, abscesses and hoof deterioration. If your horse has...